RandSpg: Generate Random Crystals with Specific Spacegroups
Since this program is running on a server that runs other programs, it may
run too slow (depending on the settings) and time out.
If you'd like to run it at full speed,
please obtain and compile the program from
the Github repository
and run the executable on your local computer.
The POSCAR format is specified here.
If you wish to visualize the crystal using the Avogadro molecular editor, copy the POSCAR of the crystal, click the "Crystallography" menu at the top of Avogadro, and select "Import Crystal from Clipboard...".
If you wish to use another format, you may convert it using OpenBabel.
RandSpg is an algorithm developed
by Patrick Avery.
RandSpg generates random crystals of specific spacegroups and allows
the user to
specify a lot of information such as minimum interatomic distances, volume
constraints, etc. The source code is available under
the "New" BSD
open source license
and may be viewed at its Github
If you encounter any bugs, please email me at psavery@buffalo.edu